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OCR: Figure 2: SPEC Benchmarks Better 14 12 10 6 4 2 Werse SPECin195 SPECtp95 HalStation 300 Model 350, 110MHz SPARC64 HP 90ICO.1210, 320MHZ PA7200 DEC AlphaStation 600 5/333, 333Ml Iz 21164 Sun Ultra 1, 167MHz UltraSPARC Comparison machines ars salacied on The basis of being generally of similar design or inferdad applicafigo as the systent under test or as a well-known performanes referenes polnt. Such machines are not intended to be exeshly comparable Je feslives and functionality to the system under review, however. SPEC results for comparison systems are taken from prior issues of UNIX Review cv oficial rasiis published by the manufacturer. These published results are assumed to conform ip SPFC reporting ryles ouf may alllize various levels of ophmization and may use speciel compilers and optimizing preprocessors. Hardware configurations also may differ substantially delwesw reported systemtis.